Richard Sandomir of the Times and Neil Best at Newsday (care of Ben Kabak) report that George Steinbrenner (not the Yankees, just Mr. Steinbrenner) is being sued by Bob Gutkowski, the former President of the MSG Network, for fraud and breach of contract. He's seeking damages of $23 million dollars.

To be brief, he says that the YES Network was his idea and that he was promised compensation and a role at the company - neither of which occurred. Gutkowski alledges that he had an oral pack with the senior Steinbrenner, who told him that he would either be in charge of YES or play a substantial role.

According to Sandomir, Steinbrenner spokesman Howard J. Rubenstein called the claims "patently false and frivolous."

"Mr. Gutkowski had nothing to do with the initiation of the idea for an R.S.N. [regional sports network] for the New York Yankees, nor did he have any role in the establishment or the success of the YES Network," Rubenstein added.

Here is Gutkowski's statement, as well: "I did everything possible to avoid having to sue George Steinbrenner. I have repeatedly spoken with his people and asked for a meeting directly with George. Unfortunately, their positionwas to stall me, string me along and, in the end, block the meeting."