The final episode of The Bronx is Burning aired last night. And the Yankees won! I knew they would. Good team. ;)

At any rate, I thought I'd see what everyone thought about the series, now that it's over. I enjoyed it and, in all, have the same thoughts I had after I watched the first episode. It was about the Yankees and I'm a Yankees fan. I'm not going to take it as the gospel, but I'm going to sit back and enjoy it for what it is and that's what I did.

Favorite moments? The funny ones tend to stick out to me. Munson and Lou in the shower, Steinbrenner watching the game with the college kids and Reggie and Billy telling Gabe Paul to relax a bit. The part with Joe D and Reggie in the last episode was cool, too.

"When haven't we been friends, Gabe?"